Project Description
pain reduction treatments
pain reduction treatments
“Chronic pain affects more than two fifths of the UK population, meaning that around 28 million adults are living with pain that lasted for three months or longer” (The British Pain Society)

Advanced Clinical Massage Techniques are effective in the treatment of chronic pain conditions. Treatments are individually tailored and focused on pain reduction outcome, aiming to see a positive result in 1 to 6 sessions.

Common pain conditions such as back and neck pain, carpal tunnel, whiplash, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, repetitive strain injuries (RSI), tennis and golfers elbow can be reduced and relieved with a combination of hands-on techniques and self care.

A pain relief treatment may involve applying a number of soft tissue techniques, such as myofascia release, trigger point therapy, stretching, deep and superficial massage techniques, as well as heat and/or cold depending on the presenting injury or condition.
Pain Reduction Treatments are 50 minutes long. Your first session will include a free 20 minutes consultation and orthopedic assessment, in order to understand the possible causes of pain and design a treatment plan that may be most effective in helping you reduce pain and increase mobility. Cost per session £50.00